Racing on the Red Planet

"You dropped me
in the middle of a
Martian Death Race?"

~ Samantha Dooley

In Red Planet, you are at the controls of a Vectored Thrust Vehicle (VTV) racing in a confined corridor of a Martian mining canal in a race to the death.

A Red Planet racecourse is probably unlike anything you've ever been on. It's not an oval, where all the vehicles travel in the same direction and attempt to be the first to cross the finish line.

It is better to think of a Red Planet course as a long corridor with goals at each end and you have to fly your VTV from one end to the other as many times as you can as fast as you can. The faster you complete the end-to-end run, the more points you will get. The pilot who has the most points at the end of the game is the winner.

What makes Red Planet so interesting though, is how the shape of the course makes the VTVs on it interact and interfere with each other during the race. Because the course is basically a narrow corridor on which the VTVs can only go up and back, pretty soon there are VTVs flying in BOTH directions and this can make things pretty scary! Add to this the fact that some of the courses have turns in them as well as many vertical changes, and you can see how the Red Planet racecourse can be a chaotic yet exhilarating environment.

This is an example of one of the race tracks - Lyz's Lane. This is the recommended training race course. It is a straight shot, both ways, with scoring zones in the cul-de-sacs on both ends of the course. Run through those scoring zones on both ends to complete the laps. The goal is to complete the most laps in the time limit... and eliminate anyone in your way.